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And Now for a Special Announcement…

Having witnessed the tragic disintegration of The Nick Atoms, Bud Sharpe — erstwhile producer for The Nick Atoms and drummer in The Nick Atoms Orchestra — decided to face the gaping maw and strike out from behind the mixing console with a musical project of his own: Possible Oscar.

Yes, it’s about time I did an official announcement. Some of you may have seen me wearing a T-shirt at MarsCon recently. Others, may have heard me speak about it in The Nixed Atoms interview in this week’s episode of Manic Mondays. I have decided to attempt a solo project in the world of dementia music. That project is Possible Oscar.

Initially I will be creating some parody songs, with the eventual goal to write some original material and release an album. The songs will be largely rock oriented, but I will also be exploring my hip hop roots — hopefully to comedic effect. There may even be some guest appearances by other dementia musical personalities.

There is not yet an official Internet home of Possible Oscar. MySpace will suffice for now. I hope that at least some of you will check it out and check back periodically to see what’s doing in the world of Possible Oscar.

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