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PossibleOscar.com Updated to Latest WordPress

I was planning to upgrade this site to the latest version of WordPress for ages, but I never seemed to get around to it. I figured I would have some issues with the plugins I’m using since a few of them are customized, so upgrading wasn’t a task I relished undertaking. I did manage to do a test upgrade on my development system, and it seemed to take with no major issues, but still, I didn’t pull the trigger on the live site.

Well, the urgency to upgrade intensified yesterday when older versions of WordPress started getting hacked. The time to act was now… so I did.

True to the test I did, the upgrade went smoothly. There are a few minor bugs I need to work out — chief among them the fact that song titles no longer appear in the music player — but nothing appears to be broken. If you see something that looks wonky, please contact me so I can address it.

I know some of you are also running WordPress-based sites. Please take the time to upgrade as soon as possible; version 2.8.4 is proving to be safe against this current exploit.

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